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Because the family is the foundation of society, we want to help build strong and godly families. Our children’s ministry should always support and supplement what happens at home, and not replace it. We want to help equip the parents (especially the fathers, where one is present) to “train up a child in the way in which he should go” (Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:4).


9:00 AM and 11:00 AM


Nursery (2 mo - 4 yrs)

Childcare is provided in the Children's Wing during Sunday morning services. The goals of our nursery are two-fold. First, the nursery is a ministry of Christ-like love and nurturing to infants. Second, it is an introduction to age appropriate Bible verses. The children who attend nursery will be given the opportunity to hear God’s Word through pictures and age appropriate translations of the Old and New Testaments, as well as have God’s Word reinforced through worship and interactive play.

5 years - 5th Grade

Ages 5 years – 5th grade  “BL4K - Bible Lessons for Kids" (Age appropriate lessons and classes)

Registration is at the  children ministry station by the front door to the worship center.  Most children’s ministry leaders will have on a T-shirt identifying them as such. You’ll receive a sticker for your child, and for the adult responsible. If this is your child's first time to attend, we will give you paperwork to sign your child in. You will take your child to worship with you in the Sanctuary first. Then someone will announce for all children, ages 3 and up, to go to Children’s Ministry; usually just after offering is taken.  Everyone is free to keep their children in the service if they like.  All children line up in the foyer to go with the leader of their age group safely across to the Children's Building.  Parents are not required to walk with them.  All children’s ministry leaders are background checked.  After the service, pick up your child with the appropriate sticker in the Generations Building.  The Generations Building is locked at all times.

Early Childhood

The goal of our Early Childhood ministry is to give children a life-long impression of the heart of God and what He has designed for their future. We are together to engage in worship during the worship service. After worship we give each child the opportunity to learn about the Bible from the Old and New Testaments, brought to life by reading and skits. We create community through small group activities and age appropriate crafts.

Wednesday Nights

6:30 - 8:00 PM


JOURNEY is a weekly Bible Study for children in Pre K - Fifth grade.  We gather on Wednesday evening at 6:30 in the Generations Building, and dismiss at 8:00 PM. JOURNEY through scripture to find the truth that directs us on the course of life.  Psalm 119:105 "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."   


The children are engaging in worship, Bible verse meaning and memorization, as well as game and snack time.  A Bible lesson is given each week with review time.  The children are learning the Genre of Gospels, History, Poetry & Wisdom, and the Book of Joel.  The Children's Ministry including JOURNEY love this opportunity to be a part of the family's desire to raise up leader's to reach the world through Jesus Christ.  Thank you parents and family leaders for allowing us this awesome privilege.  

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