Values for the Worship Ministry
Glorifying to the Father, pointing to Jesus, anointed of the Holy Spirit.
Theologically sound; characterized by a balance of “spirit and truth”.
Freedom for the Holy Spirit to work in all aspects of corporate worship.
People of God worshiping with one voice before the Audience of One.
Using songs that are God-centered, singable, familiar, relevant and biblically sound.
Blending of contemporary and traditional elements (“psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs”) communicated appropriately to the Athens community.
Employing great diversity and creativity throughout the worship experience, including non-musical forms of worship (i.e. visual arts, media, etc.).
Volume levels encourage heartfelt participation of the congregation without being detrimental to those with hearing issues.
Opportunities for people to “do business with God” and receive prayer for all their needs (i.e. an “open altar”).
Freedom for people to minister in an appropriate and orderly fashion through the range of spiritual gifts.
For more information, please contact Worship Pastor, Dustin Sosebee at
Word on Worship (given 9-6-20 at Living Hope)
“Many of My people are struggling - anxiety, fear, uncertainty, anger, hurt and confusion. Turn from the hurt and pain to Me. Lift up Your heart and voice. Worship Me in faith. Worship is the pathway out of these struggles. Worship is your weapon of warfare. This is why some call is WARship. I respond to worship. This is a spiritual battle. Fight with spiritual weapons. Worship is that weapon. Worship Me and be set free.”