Small Groups are ways for people to connect with God and others. We believe transformation best occurs when truth is shared in relationship. We offer a variety of Small Groups for your growth in God and relationship with others.
Home Groups
We have many Home Groups in various areas. We desire for everyone to be in a group in an area near where they live. These groups will include fellowship, food, discussion of the Sunday sermon, prayer, and outreach. For more information or to express interest, contact Pastor Shanon Hayes at
Men’s Groups:
Sunday 9AM - 9:45AM with Rich Suplita doing a Bible study on the book of Acts.
Iron man groups are 3-5 men who meet throughout the week for encouragement, accountability and spiritual growth.
Noblemen is an intensive 12-week discipleship journey into biblical manhood with multiple groups meeting at various times throughout the week.
33 The Series is a 10-week video curriculum and discussion about biblical manhood.
Contact Dustin Butler at 814-574-6066 for more information.
Women’s Groups:
Sunday 9AM - 9:45AM with Angela Patterson doing a Women of Courage study. 706-386-4990
Adult Prayer Group: Wednesday Night beginning May 29. 6:30PM-8PM House of Prayer
Pray corporately in agreeing prayer with other believers in the House of Prayer as we pray in partnership with God, empowered by His Spirit and in alignment with His Word and His will. Meeting in the House of Prayer
Wednesday Night Growth Groups​
begin Wedneday August 21
6:30PM - 8PM
Living Hope Church offers a variety of opportunities for people to grow in their relationships with both God and others. Children and Youth Ministries meet at the same time, so there is something for the whole family! Sign up on the Living Hope App or email Cathy Hayes,
The Book of Jeremiah with Bob Russo: Jeremiah is called the weeping prophet. His sorrow reflects the heart of Jehovah, whose heart is broken over the sins of His covenant people. Yet Jeremiah, in the darkest of days, tells us there is hope even then. As John 16:20b says, "[Y]ou will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy."
Discipling Our Children with Dustin Butler and others uses biblical wisdom and practical insight to equip parents to disciple their children in today’s world.
Growing Deeper with Byron Beam offers group members the opportunity to grow deeper in their understanding of important biblical principles, such as “faith,” “surrender,” “love,” “contentment,” etc., and examine how each of these topics applies to their lives today.
Prayer with Angela Patterson and others empowers participants to go deep in intercessory prayer through Spirit-led worship, fellowship, and participation in corporate prayer. Group members will meet in the House of Prayer on the Living Hope Church campus.
Transformational Discipleship - Module 1 with Scott Swain uses section one of Pastor David Holt’s Grow Up: A Discipleship Manual for Following Jesus to lay the foundation for spiritual childhood, covering topics like the Gospel, the blessings of salvation, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Transformational Discipleship - Module 2 with Nick Tallent and Matt McClure uses section two of Grow Up to lead group members through spiritual adolescence, and covering topics like spiritual warfare, forgiveness, overcoming the past, apologetics, and the power of praise and worship. Group members must complete Module 1 before signing up for Module 2.
Transformational Discipleship - Module 3 with Stephanie Gibson uses section three of Grow Up to lead group members through spiritual adulthood, and covering topics like the holiness, sovereignty, and grace of God; discipleship; signs and wonders; and biblical sexuality. Group members must complete Modules 1 and 2 before signing up for Module 3.