Women of Courage
Women’s Ministry at LHC is ...
...a place where we as women can hear each other’s heart and be heard by each other. Every woman desires to be heard and known and then accepted for who she really is. We are all in different stages of growing and maturing and in different seasons of life. Being heard without judgement or condemnation opens a door for relationship that fosters true heart change. None of us can change by ourselves. Change happens in the presence of love. We cannot love until we first know God’s love.
...a place where we can speak the truth in love with life-giving words that bless and encourage each other and spur each other’s own growing in grace and truth.
... a place where we hold up each other’s arms and are as iron that sharpens iron. We were never meant to live the Christian life alone. We cannot live successfully as women, daughters, sisters, mothers, grandmothers, or friends if we are isolated trying to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps.
...a place where we bear each other’s burdens - those things that are bigger than life and never meant to be borne alone.
...a place where we worship together because worship is the highest form of prayer. It attracts the presence of God. It dispels the enemy. It lifts the human spirit, and it unites the body of Christ. Maybe we will sing only one song together, but when is the last time you heard a room full of female voices lifted up in unison in worship to the Lord. When is the last time You knelt down with two other women to pour out your heart to the Lord because a threefold cord is not easily broken.
Come and join us for:
Women of Courage Bible Study Sunday Mornings 11:00 to 12:30
~ Worship ~ Teaching ~Sharing ~ Prayer ~ Fellowship
Quarterly Activities
Three-Fold Cord - Prayer Partners
Discipleship Opportunities
Stay Tuned for More to Come!
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ For more information, please contact us at 706-208-1003.