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Good Friday 2020

– a personal guide for reflecting, rejoicing, and repenting


To prepare for this service, have bread and juice for communion, a quiet place, access to the internet for the songs, and about 45 minutes to be with the Lord in prayer and reflection.  For the song portions, you can either sing along or just listen and pray.


1.  Pray to commit your time to the Lord. “Lord God, thank You for coming to earth as a Man in

    Jesus.  Thank You for Your eternal sacrifice.  Fill this time I now spend with You with the Holy

    Spirit’s presence. Amen” – pray anything else you have on your heart and be sure to get your

     heart in a very still and quiet state so as to really commune with the Lord during this sacred



2.  Song “O Sacred Head Now Wounded” as you prepare your heart:


3.  Meditate on Psalm 22 (1000 BC) and Isaiah 53 (700 BC) and see how they clearly point to

     Jesus and His sacrifice.  Look particularly at the mention of pain and suffering.


4.  Pray and thank God for predicting in advance that His Son would come and die for us to

      prove that He is the Messiah and that the Bible is His Word.


5.  Song “How Deep the Father’s Love for us” -



6.  Jesus’ Love and Suffering


            a. Meditate on John 13:1-30 as Jesus washes the disciples’ feet.

            b. Meditate on John 18-19 (or Luke 22:39-23:56) about Jesus’ betrayal, arrest, and

                crucifixion.  Note how He suffered relationally, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and


            c. Consider reading again Isaiah 53 and noting the many different ways Jesus suffered for


            d. Write down the things that stand out to you in these passages and as you pray.


7.  In order to gain a fuller and very accurate appreciation for Christ’s suffering, consider

     watching this short video with scenes from the movie the “Passion of the Christ” (Warning: 

     some of these are quite graphic and not everyone may want to watch this) -


8.  Song “My Jesus, I love Thee” -



9.  Songs of worship and reflection as you pray and partake of the Lord’s Supper (have bread and

      juice ready to take the Lord’s Supper by saying “The body of Christ broken for me” and “the

     blood of Christ shed for me” – take time to confess and repent of any sins the Lord shows

      you. Make this a time of deep surrender and worship.  Partake as a couple or family if you do

      this in a group.


            a.   “The Old Rugged Cross” -


            b.   “Nothing but the Blood of Jesus” -


10.  Final song of praise/worship:  “Jesus Paid it All” -



11.    Finish your time by being quiet before the Lord, praying, listening, and thanking Him for who

        He is and all He has done for you.  Consider journaling your final thoughts or writing out a

        prayer as you conclude.


12.   If this was meaningful to you, consider sharing this Good Friday service with someone you

        know, or posting the link on Facebook.


We have a high value for protecting our children, youth, women and all who are vulnerable.  Therefore, we are actively involved in Ministry Safe training for the prevention of sexual abuse and child safety.  For more information, go to:

Living Hope Church

2150 Lexington Rd., Athens, GA 30605
706-208-1003 |



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