Discipleship Strategy for Living Hope
We endeavor to be a disciplemaking church. This means we want to do all we can to assist people in their spiritual growth, such that they are equipped to disciple others. We want to see a movement of multiplication based on Mt. 28:18-20 and 2 Tim. 2:2. Pastor David’s doctoral dissertation was on 1 John 2:12-14 which speaks of various levels of spiritual maturity.
We invite you to become a part of this disciplemaking movement at Living Hope!!
We have a 5-fold strategy for making disciples:
I. One-on-one discipleship and mentoring.
II. Iron Man and Women's groups.
III. Life Groups that meet in homes for fellowship, prayer, support, spiritual growth, and experiencing the
ingredients of Acts 2:41-47.
IV. Specific “modules” that we develop and lead on Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, and Saturdays.
V. Topical classes offered on Wednesday nights, through the Athens College of Ministry, etc.
Module 1 for the spiritual “child” (1 Jn. 2:12-14) to be grounded in the basics of knowing and loving Jesus.
Module 2 for the spiritual “adolescent” (1 Jn. 2:12-14) to be strong, abide in the Word, and overcome the evil one.
Module 3 for the spiritual “adult” (1 Jn. 2:12-14) to know Him who has been from the beginning, and to have spiritual children he/she is growing up in the Lord.
Modules 1-3 must be done in this order. You have to complete module 1 to do module 2, and you have to complete module 2 to do module 3.​
All of our other discipleship modules can be done as a separate unit and not in any particular order.
“Kingdom of God/Signs and Wonders” module addresses the importance of God’s Kingdom, its priority in the life and ministry of Jesus, the inclusion of signs/wonder/miracles within God’s kingdom, and how we can live in the power of the Holy Spirit.
“Apologetics” module so we not only know what we believe, but why we believe it. Dr. Rich Suplita offers this 1-2/x a year and covers creation vs. evolution; reliability of the Bible; Person and Resurrection of Jesus; Christianity vs. world religions; Hot moral topics like abortion, sexual morality and gender identity; the New Atheism; and how to apply this in the culture we live.
“Gifted to Serve” module where you discover your spiritual gifts, unique skills, God-given personality, and passions for influence so that you can serve where you are most fulfilled and fruitful. This is offered 2x/year, once on a Saturday morning and once on 2 consecutive Wednesday nights.
“Healing and Renewing the Mind” module taught by Jerry Kiser over 4 weeks and deals with ungodly beliefs, soul/spirit hurts, generational sins, and demonic strongholds. We also help those in need of healing and recovery through Celebrate Recovery, step studies, Fresh Wind Addiction Ministry, prayer ministry, benevolent help, and personal counseling.
“Global Engagement” through the Great Exchange outreach, Perspectives class, mission trips, prayer for missionaries, our missions giving, international student outreach and more.
“Financial Freedom” module with Shanon Hayes teaching the Financial Peace University material from Dave Ramsey.
“Sexual Wholeness” with Phyllis Kiser. This is currently in the process of being developed.
For more information email Pastor David at davidholt08@gmail.com.